Spinal Krapp
Spinal Krapp is a one man play written by Darren Maher and starring Zeb Moore. Having read Darren’s other play (The Malteese Falcon may already be taken) I was expecting something bizarre and it didn’t disappoint. Spinal Krapp is not the most traditionally enjoyable show but is definitely an amazing play. There are some hilarious moments as we hear stories from Darren’s childhood, told brilliantly by Zeb Moore. In between are some strange musings on life and performance and one or two interesting theatrical tricks, all the while the tension builds towards the play’s ending?
Overall worth going to see.
Rating: 3/5
Cirque de Legume
Any show that wins big at the Dublin Fringe is worth going to see, even if- no, especially if it involves vegetables. The plot is simple- two people put on a cirque de soleil style show using only a chair, minimal dialogue and.... a box of vegetables. Cabbage, cellary and onions are all used to create mayhem. However simple, this may be one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen on stage. I’ll never look at an onion the same way. If you see one play in 2010 make it this one
Rating: 4.5/5
Pure Sketchy (Choke Comedy)
Choke returned to a completely sold out room (several of my friends couldn’t get tickets). Breaking away from the improv format they are known for, the transition to world of sketch comedy worked well. There were some great running gags throughout the show (hoodieman, the blind dates etc). My only problem was it was too long (about 90mins) for a show that started at 10 o’clock
Rating: 4/5
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